Your in silico expert, offering you our services to screen the hazard of your substance, complete your regulatory dossier, boost your R&D and reduce tests on animals in the most time and cost efficient way possible.

We exist to understand the mechanistic interactions between chemical and biological matrices and quantify the impact on human health and the environment.

4 pillars of our activity

Hexagones piliers

The combination of our unique tools will help you to fill your datagaps with the best in silico study predictions available, meeting the 5 OECD principles for the validation of QSARs and regulatory format requirements for a host of dossier submissions and updates notably for REACH and CPSR, ICH M7, Medical devices, but increasingly for aspects of Plant Protection Products, Biocides and Pharmaceuticals.


Our in-house validated High Accuracy QSAR platform to replace experimentation.

In silico consulting

Support with Regulatory documents iSafeRat® & for third-party tools for endpoints requiered in dossier submissions.

Research projects

International R&D projects, Proposal writing, Publications.

Training support

Introduction to QSARs; OECD QSAR Toolbox; Third party models.

The power of KREATiS in silico predictions

Hexagones blancs


Vertebrate animals saved by the work of KREATiS using in silico methods instead of animal experimentation.

Estimation based uniquely on the number of acute and chronic fish toxicity studies realized by KREATiS from 01/2014 replacing 42 fish in acute OECD 203 and 80 fish eggs in chronic OCDE 210 in vivo studies.

Hexagones blancs

The expertise of model developers

Simply obtaining a prediction is the easy part but having confidence in the reliability of the result requires experience in modelling using multidisciplinary approaches, in silico good practice and unbiased scientific and mechanistic interpretation. We take pride in sharing our knowledge with you to help you obtain information for your regulatory needs, thanks to our homegrown tools.

iSafeRat® toolbox

iSafeRat® (in silico Algorithms For Environmental Risk And Toxicity) is the KREATiS-made toolbox of High Accuracy QSAR (HA-QSAR) modules produced by KREATiS.

Our mission is to make iSafeRat® the most reliable and accurate in silico tool available to replace all kinds of experimental studies related to human health and the environment and notably offers chronic study predictions for ecotoxicity.


MechoA (Mechanisms of Action) MechoA is a structural alerts-based decision tree to predict the mechanisms of toxic action of a large range of chemical structures in different biological species.

It has been developed in collaboration with Unilever and Liverpool John Moores University, becoming MechoA+, which is made freely available in the OECD QSAR Toolbox. Internal research at KREATiS further improves the model regularly in the form of MechoA Premium, which is available only in iSafeRat® Desktop.


Open the door to a clear scientific explanation and better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity action.

To help the public learn more about the various mechanisms of toxic action that exist and the typical associated chemical structures, KREATiS has designed this interactive pedagogic free tool presenting the different MechoA classes.

La French Touch by KREATiS

We are proud to be one of the first French company to work for the 3Rs, with members from different companies who fight to re-think experimentation.

Become a computational specialist

With KREATiS intensive and hands-on training, master your skills and learn how to use software dedicated to predictions to grow your own expertise. The quality of our training is certified each year by the French Certification Qaliopy.


An introduction to replacing experimentation including hands on experience using the OECD toolbox for read-across and QSAR modelling.

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In silico ecotoxicology

An introduction to regulatory and in silico ecotoxicological principles and methods for predicting hazard and fate without resorting to experimental studies.

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In silico toxicology

An introduction to regulatory and in silico toxicological principles and methods for predicting human health effects without resorting to experimental studies.

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What they say about us

The following entities have honoured us by allowing us to quote them on our website.
No quote has been included without the express permission of the person cited and their legal entity.

Facing our future

While the vision to implement two of the 3Rs may seems in contradiction to the idea of partnering with laboratories, this could not be further from the truth. There will always be a need for experimental studies but our vision of the future is to limit the need for routine tests and remove the need for testing vertebrate animals that can better be carried out using alternative approaches. It’s our fundamental raison d’être for R&D. KREATiS is highly reliant on quality experimental data and we regularly partner with the most reliable and innovative laboratories in order to achieve these aims.


KREATiS in 5 minutes

Interviewed by BFM Business in the programme Hebdo PME, the Director, Dr. Carole Charmeau Genevois presents KREATiS, an SME in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region specialising in in-silico predictions of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances, which are alternative methods that avoid experimentation on animals.

Follow us on youtube to see all our videos.



Our toxicologist Marie Darracq--Ghitalla-Ciock is waiting for you at EUROTOX2024 in Copenhagen

Marie is presenting a poster on the latest update of our model "CLASS" for skin sensitisation now meeting the rigorous requirements of the QSAR Assessment Framework (QAF).

POSTED 2024-09-09

Focus on our iSafeRat® Toolbox

The end of the Summer break has arrived! And with it another opportunity to review the fundamental principles used at KREATiS and incorporated in our iSafeRat Toolbox, designed to meet the REACH requirements to fulfil endpoints for regulatory dossiers.

POSTED 2024-09-05

Dr Marie Darracq--Ghitalla-Ciock will be representing KREATiS at the EUROTOX2024 congress on 8-11 september in Copenhagen

Marie will be presenting the poster: "Classification & Labelling Assessment for Skin Sensitisation (CLASS) update : a mechanistic in silico model to predict skin sensitisation potential"

POSTED 2024-09-03
See all news from KREATiS

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