KREATiS is a unique, private Research & Development organisation (an in silico Contract Research Organisation), founded in January 2014. All of us share a common dream: our desire to understand the mechanistic interactions between chemical and biological matrices and thence to quantify the impact on human health and the environment.
Pure in silico R&D company specialising in predictions for Human health and environment, replacing experimentation with confidence.
To understand the mechanistic interactions between chemical and biological matrices and thence to quantify the impact on human health and the environment.
With over 75 years of combined experience in mammalian toxicology, ecotoxicology, regulatory risk assessment, applied chemistry and biochemistry, drug design and software development, our team comprises a unique skillset which has allowed us to create first class models for your regulatory submissions and also to evaluate the best third-party software for in silico consulting
President, Model Developer and Expert Ecotoxicologist
Managing Director and Expert Toxicologist
In silico Consultant & Senior Ecotoxicologist
In silico consultant and toxicologist
We can resume our vision in one goal: to provide the most accurate study predictions for physicochemical, ecotoxicological and toxicological study results for organic molecules from in silico models.
► To understand the mechanistic interactions between chemical and biological matrices and thence to quantify the impact of chemicals on human health and the environment;
► To make this knowledge available to our clients and to the regulatory and scientific community;
► To concentrate on 2 of the 3Rs: Replace or Reduce as much as scientifically justifiable, regulatory experimental studies on vertebrate animals;
► To supersede studies principally by use of high accuracy, in silico algorithms for prediction of physico-chemical, ecotoxicological and toxicological properties of chemicals at a fraction of the price of the laboratory equivalent.
Dr Paul Thomas, takes 3 minutes to explain how KREATiS began.
In 2014, while working as an eco-toxicologist for CEHTRA, Dr. Paul Thomas, decided to set up a company dedicated to high accuracy QSAR's. Known as KREATiS he explains in under 3 minutes why he saw the need for such a company dedicated to high accuracy QSAR's?
KREATiS aims to inspire confidence in the precision of calculated Physico-chemical, ecotoxicological and toxicological properties and to replace experimentation by:
► Combining the available quality experimental data with sophisticated modelling algorithms to develop High Accuracy QSARs (HA-QSARs) and other in silico models;
► Implementing state-of-the-science approaches to address a well-defined Applicability Domain as well as to demonstrate the robustness and predictive ability of our models following the five OECD principles of model validation;
► Providing convincing evidence of the validity of HA-QSARs to Regulatory Authorities with the intention of reducing the need for experimentation. Implementing the most appropriate and sophisticated algorithms and statistical analyses based on high quality and validated datasets;
► Preparing study reports supported by the appropriate documents for regulatory acceptance (e.g. QMRFs and QPRFs, for regulatory submissions);
► Ensuring that the cost to the client is always lower than the experimental equivalent and in proportion with the research effort required to achieve it.
Take just 5 minutes to watch Dr. Carole Charmeau interviewed by Fanny Berthon, from French television programme, BFM Business, dedicated to showcasing SME’s. The interview is in French with subtitles
Interviewed by BFM Business in the programme Hebdo PME, the Director, Dr. Carole Charmeau Genevois presents KREATiS, an SME in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region specialising in in-silico predictions of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances, which are alternative methods that avoid experimentation on animals.