R&D projects

In this section you will find relevant peer reviewed articles, exhibited congress posters and selected magazine articles featuring KREATiS employees and other open source publications that we think you may find useful. We have also made available information on research projects that we have worked on. All the posters are freely available as downloadable pdfs.


Developpement et Applications des Modeles InformatiquEs pour REACH
Duration: 3 years(2014 - 2017)


Compartmentalised Risk Assessment for Natural Complex Substances
Duration: 18 months(2015 - 2016)


Compartmentalised Hazard Assessment for NCS2
Started September 2020

NC3Rs CRACK-IT QSARs Mix Challenge

Duration: 12 months(2015 - 2016)


Member of the HOLICHEM H2020 project consortium
submitted January 2021


COSMetic products EcoTOXicity

COSMETOX project aims to study ecotoxicity and biodegradability of cosmetic products which are complex substances incorporating many ingredients. Moreover, these ingredients are sometimes even mixtures of different chemicals, the essential oils for instance. In this project, KREATiS and the LIEC (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des environnements continentaux) from Université de Lorraine decided to join forces to propose an approach combining modelling and laboratory experimentation. The project is thus structured around 2 poles:

  • The "experimentation" pole, led by the LIEC, in charge of carrying out ecotoxicity and biodegradability studies.
  • The "modelling" unit, managed by KREATiS, in charge of developing a predictive calculation method that can anticipate the toxicity of finished cosmetic products.
As European regulation on cosmetic products prohibit tests on vertebrates, COSMETOX project will study the short- and long-term ecotoxicological effects on 5 aquatic non-vertebrate organisms.

Duration: 3 years (2021-2024)