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POSTED 2022-06-08

Welcome Floriane !

Floriane LARRAS obtained her PhD in aquatic ecotoxicology in 2013 from the University of Savoie Mont Blanc, France. In 2014, she joined the University of Lorraine, France, as a post-doctoral fellow to develop models estimating risk for #microalgal and #macroinvertrebrate stream communities exposed to stressors.
Then, in 2016, she obtained a Marie Curie grant to work at the UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, to investigate #molecular #mechanisms involved in microbial community responses to pesticides. She also contributed to the development of a tool managing omics dose-response curves for #ecological #risk assessment.
In 2021, she joined the French national institute for agriculture food and environment (INRAE) to investigate the use of effect modelling approaches in #phytopharmaceutical products European regulation. She joined KREATiS in June 2022 to continue our work on #ecotoxicological #QSARs.